Fermoy Community Network – About Us

The Fermoy Community Network was set up by the HSE Community Work Department over 25 years ago.

It was originally set up as an information sharing network and comprises members of voluntary, community and statutory representatives working or supporting groups and services in the community.

Members meet to discuss issues relevant to supporting families and community health issues in the locality.

Members have equal opportunity to contribute to the work and agenda of the group. The work of the group tends to change over time depending on what new community issues emerge at a given time.

One of the early projects that the group supported and played a key role in was the setting up of Youthreach in Fermoy.

The group has a long track record of influencing service provision in the area by responding to community needs.

The network has hosted seminars, compiled community directories, conducted feasibility studies which led to the development of the community drugs project in Fermoy, run training initiatives, parenting courses and seminars.

Staying Well Looking After Our Mental Health Booklet

The Staying Well Looking After Our Mental Health booklet was first developed in Fermoy back in 2010; it was distributed directly into homes at that time.  During the spring of 2018 members of the Fermoy & Mitchelstown Community Networks formed a working sub-group to update the information within the booklet, approximately 11,0000 booklets were delivered through the postal service to every household in the sector.  In 2023 members of the Fermoy, Mitchelstown & Mallow Community Networks formed a working sub-group to update the information within the booklet; this latest edition was launched in Mallow in June 2024.

Since its inception in 2010 the services and supports within the booklet have doubled.  The 2018 updated booklet saw the introduction of a new layout with supports listed under headings such as; Emergency Services, Addiction, Bereavement, Child and Adolescent, Counselling, Adult and Older Person and headings were colour coded to make it easier for people to find the relevant support.

This comprehensive wallet sized booklet provides information about the wide range of supports available and is an invaluable practical support for local community services, professionals, individuals and family members in the North Cork area.  The booklet has been printed in English, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese and Ukrainian.

For more information about the booklet please contact Jacinta McCormack or Brendan Scahill, Community Work Department, HSE 021 – 4928370.

To view or print the latest Staying Well Booklet please click on this link:

Staying Well Looking Booklet 2024 (Third Edition)


The Fermoy Community Network welcomed the announcement on the 1st March 2017 that the Irish government has formally recognised the Ethnicity of the Traveller Community.  To mark this significant milestone for Travellers within our locality and throughout Ireland the Fermoy Community Network hosted a community event where they officially marked the recognition of Traveller Ethnicity with the unveiling of a commemorative bench in the community garden at Fermoy Resource Centre on McCurtain street.

Click on this link to view:

Photo Montage of Traveller Ethnicity Event Fermoy 13th June 2017.

Current membership of the network includes representation from local schools, partnership groups – Avondhu Blackwater Ltd, Community Work Departments, HSE,  Mental Health services, HSE, Community Garda, Youth services, Cork Mental Health Foundation, Counselling services, Disability services, Home school liaison services, Fermoy Men’s Club, Fermoy Active Retirement Group, Fermoy Community Health Project, Cork Social and Health Education Project, Muintir Na Tira, Employability Services, Youthreach and various other groups and individuals who are invited to attend sub group discussions and committees as particular topics arise.

If you would like to find out more about the group, or become a member, contact either 

Brendan Scahill, HSE at 086 – 7871123


Jacinta McCormack at 085 – 8742320.